Advisory Committee


  1. To advise on the implementation, invitation and assessment mechanism, judging criteria, accreditations, rules and regulations of the Scheme targeting to achieving a fair, popular and cost effective scheme.
  2. To help promoting the scheme.
  3. To endorse the judging and accreditation criteria

Membership List

Advisory Committee Member List for DARS 2024-2025

Ir Wilson Wong
CEO, Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited
Miss Karen Shing
Assistant Commissioner (Digital Inclusion and Research), Digital Policy Office
Independent Advisor:
Dr Ferrick Chu
Executive Director (Operations), Equal Opportunities Commission
Committee Members:
Mr Hendrick Sin, MH
Internet Professional Association (iProA)
Mr Brian Cheung
The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf
Mr Terry Wong
Hong Kong Blind Union
Ms Ho Mei Yee
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
Ms Angel Yip
The Hong Kong Association of Banks
Ms Lau Lai Fong
The Hong Kong Association of the Deaf
Mr Fung Ka Chuen
The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation
Ms Eva Kwok
Hong Kong Computer Society
Mr So Wing Tung Steve
Direction Association for the Handicapped
Mr Joseph Yuen
The Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities
Mr Timothy Tam
The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
Dr Carlye Tsui, SBS, JP
The Hong Kong Institute of Directors (HKIoD)
Mr Arthur Belton
Mr Sean Fong
The Hong Kong Society for the Blind
Mr Albert Wong
Association of I.T. Leaders in Education (AiTLE)