News and Publications

The Digital Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2024-2025 is now open for registration
Broadening the dimension of digital inclusion, realizing the concept of smart cities, and expanding the audience's daily needs. Hong Kong, 29th...

(Chinese Only) 2022至2023年度無障礙網頁嘉許計劃圓滿結束
Please refer to the Chinese version

(Chinese Only) 無障礙網頁嘉許計劃再創新紀錄 推動數碼共融 構建智慧城市
Please refer to the Chinese version

(Chinese Only) 推廣無障礙網頁設計 建設共融社會

(Chinese Only) 中原地產持續優化網站 無障礙設計融入日常工作
中原地產持續優化網站 無障礙設計融入日常工作...